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Powerful ways to change the way you think

    Its on you how long you hold your thoughts      

     Let's start with an example, I know everyone carrying water bottle, if you're holding that bottle how heavy it will be ??
Some of you will answer In weights, according to me it matters how long you hold that bottle,
If you hold for minutes it will light in weight, and if you hold for an hour to day you might get arm ache or cramps. It will make force you to drop that bottle.the bottle remains same no weight gain but how long you hold it feels heavier.

Same way with your worries, anxiety, frustration, disappointment, stressful thinking or thoughts.
If you hold it for days you will feel completely broken Or paralyzed until you let all thoughts go away.
Thinking about the stressful anxiety again and again it will not change but how long you hold or drop that bottle it matters, in this moment you will loose your best moments because your focus still on that bottle and you are holding it, you can't enjoy only you feel pain until you drop and let go.
It's On you if you're going to hold your thoughts till it will break you completely before you break it.

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