7 Ways to Attract More Opportunities Into Your Life
1. Let People Know You're Out There.
You must not only interact with people within your ability range, but also make contact with people outside your ability. You never know what you can learn by networking with people from different professions and trades.
If you hate the idea of eating, drinking and chatting with strangers at an event, you can always report in other ways. Reach out to people you admire or think are influential on Twitter, Instagram, Website, Blogs and you can always engage in deeper email conversations. If they know about you, they'll send you opportunities your way.
2. Say Goodbye to That Comfort Zone.
If you stay where it's always cozy and pleasant, you don't have a chance to grow! By stepping out of your comfort zone, you're giving yourself the chance to meet new people and land in new situations. The goal is to create opportunities by stepping out of the comfort zone rather than waiting for them.
Otherwise, your life will be nothing more than comfortable.
Don't feel like going to an event? Get your badge and go.
Are you too nervous to read a book? All the more reason to walk out the door.
Do you feel awkward going to a lecture? Just think of what might be waiting for you there!
4. Track Your Achievements.
The way to attract opportunities is to let people know that you are prepared for those opportunities. Do you have experience? Training?
If so, you will know how to handle the opportunity when it is presented to you.
And how do you do it?
Keep track of all your accomplishments and put them in one place, whether it's an online portfolio, a blog, or an online resume.
The editors of the self-development site recommended: If customers or colleagues give you praise, write them down. If the compliment came in an email, print it out.
If you exceeded last quarter's sales targets, get documentation that proves it. Collect all your wins in one spot and people won't have to dig to find out if you're worthy or not. Quick answers, quick offers.