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How to deal with toxic people

 rotect yourself from toxic people in your life. Read our text and learn to identify and deal with them.

Toxic people exist everywhere. We must beware of toxic people as long as we don't contaminate ourselves with their psychological and emotional addictions. In this text we will guide you to recognize toxic people and how to get rid of them.

what are toxic people

Human behavior can be considered “toxic” when it takes the undesirable form of attitudes of displeasure, psychic, physical and emotional violence, cruelty, negativity, manipulation, selfishness, victimism, etc.

Once these elements are identified, the list can become longer, as we pay more attention to the people around us.

Toxic people will not always consciously make the lives of others unbearable. This is because, sometimes, they themselves are already in internal conflicts.

2. Challenge of relationships

In general, toxic people tend to challenge personal relationships, consciously and sometimes unconsciously. Some even enjoy creating disorders and disrupting the lives of others.

3. Level of stress and negativity

The stress and negativity are very obvious signs of toxic people and that can "infect" environments and people. This, in the sense of always encouraging the bad aspects of people, speaking badly about them, emphasizing the negative side of emotions, such as anger, envy, jealousy , impatience.

Knowing how to deal with toxic people

Warning signs for toxic people

Know some of the warning signs where you might recognize a toxic person.

1. Comparison between you and the person

Relationships are often complex. One tends to influence

Now, check out golden tips on how to deal with toxic people.

1. Create Boundaries

The relationship with a toxic person must be recognized and discouraged, because even during treatment, it is still possible not to notice the limits of acceptance of the other. For a toxic person, anything is allowed.

Be careful not to make a radical move, such as exclusion, for example, because the person will feel that your influence is no longer effective. Seek the middle ground.

2. Need for help

A healthy relationship is impossible to establish right now. Help her to look for people in the psychology field who can guide her in this direction, talking about her  anxieties , constant negative thoughts, stress, bad mood, etc. Avoid talking about her being a negative or toxic person.

3. Recognize power relationships

Put limits on what we call power relations, as she feels the need to always be on top. Be assertive about the person, avoiding, on the one hand, stimulating their negative side, and on the other hand, not disrespecting them.

4. Don't fight back with the same poison

A toxic person has problems, but you don't. So know that retaliating against someone in kind neither lessens your violence nor helps you at all. In fact, the opposite may occur. the other and vice versa.

Comparing is important for you to understand when it is your personal way of acting and when your attitudes are influenced by the other.

However, it is not always possible to make this comparison, as often the relationship has entered a confusing mix of negative influences without you realizing it.

This would be the first way to recognize and know how to distinguish or separate your behavior from the other. But not the only one.

The power of manipulation or violence of such a person may be unknown. There's no need to always keep your defense on high, or constantly argue. Just make your limits more evident.

On the defensive, the prey is recognized. By drawing boundaries, you are setting rules. Very specifically to toxic people, it is common to find those who do not know how to deal with them and thus, two cases can occur: either they run away or they feel vulnerable to them

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