The human being comes to Earth, with nothing, naked, dependent and naive. In just a few years, your ego convinces you that you have a right to everything. That life has to give him more and more, even if he doesn't do anything about it.
And the more life shows him that things aren't quite like that, the more he fights, fights, fights, screams, kicks, hits, hurts, kills... so that life is what he wants.
And that life owes us absolutely nothing. On the contrary. We owe the life we have to life. From that moment we know that we have nothing, that we have nothing, that nothing is owed to us by life, from that minute on, we start looking at what we have, we start looking at what life has given us, for what life gives us every day, and we begin to feel tremendous gratitude. It's an incredible feeling to realize that Heaven thinks of us. Realize that Heaven takes care.
And when we accept that we have nothing and that life is giving us so much, so many blessings, not only do we feel gratitude, we begin to feel that we deserve it, we begin to feel that we are capable, we begin to feel that Heaven has looked out for us, we begin to feel protected.
And all these sensations together make gratitude, after Unconditional Love, one of the greatest human emotions. And the noblest emotions, such as love, gratitude, ethics, solidarity, incredibly raise our vibration.
When we vibrate for gratitude, for this very high vibratory frequency, we begin to emanate this extremely positive energy. And since life is an echo, it has no choice but to start giving back. So it will send events, circumstances, situations, people, that mirror this positive vibration.
Of course, it's a difficult vibe to maintain on a day-to-day basis. Because we have to choose every minute of our life, every second of our life. As much as we have the commitment to vibrate as high as we can, at all hours of our life, on a daily basis we come across people who do not have this choice.
An everyday example: we are in traffic and there is a person who whistles and screams and screams. Then someone else goes on the phone to argue. Then someone else treats us badly or speaks rudely. How to keep our vibe? How not to download it?
The only chance we have is not to mix with people's energy.
It's understanding that the person is in their life, they chose that, but we didn't choose that, our commitment is different. Of course there are relapses, there are times when we really get mixed up and that just means that what we have in here isn't completely resolved yet.
And what can we do?
– Well, I got mixed up with that person, which means that what I have in here is still low in vibration. I have to clean up, or I have to go to my pain, or I have to go to a Past Life to try and find what's blocked. I still have memories of that circumstance, of that pain that hasn't been drained, that hasn't been released. I still bring violence. I still attract violence. I have to do my spiritual work to be able to clear myself of that density that has caused me to lower myself to the level of other people's vibration, which has made me unable to hold my energy.
And then, at the end of that process, you'll end up feeling grateful for that person who was rude to you. Because in reality she denounced something you had inside you but you didn't know. And that was already causing you to emanate violence, therefore it was already causing you to attract violence. It had to be cleaned. And when you feel gratitude, your frequency goes up again.
Matter resolved. As you can see, it was worth it to evolve a little more.
So when someone proposes some kind of violence to you, instead of getting angry with the person or instead of going down to their energy and getting back at it, don't:
– I have to realize that I'm still emanating some negative energy, because if I wasn't, I wouldn't have attracted anything negative, because life is an echo. I attracted violence to denounce my inner violence that has to be cleaned up. I will clean. Afterwards I will thank the person who proposed violence to me, and with that I return to gratitude, I return my energy to rise. I evolve again.
Only those who question themselves can understand this process of looking at life, realizing that it is a mirror of our vibration, and feeling gratitude for being able to clean and for being able to correct themselves every step of the way. And that is the cycle of gratitude, which is actually the cycle of evolution.