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Let's start this article with the definition of self-love:
Feeling of dignity, esteem or respect that each has for himself.

Beautiful, right? But did you know that many people do not see themselves with zeal and affection? The lack of self-love today is one of the evils that undermine our self-esteem / self-confidence and becomes a difficult hole to get out of. 
Many believe that they are "doomed to hate themselves" because the environment they are in is not favorable. There are other cases of people who report a lack of self-love due to a very difficult life at home, or failures in their education, among thousands of other reasons. 

These people even try to get out of this situation, but they feel weak and unprepared. There are people who until today have not known self-love. It seems incredible, but it is not! Throughout this article I will bring some tips for you to rescue this love that seems so distant…

Self-love is a daily and lifelong construction. We know that the external can negatively influence our perception of ourselves, but accepting this reality and giving up building something so powerful is a big waste for your personal growth and you only have to lose with it.

As I said in a post on my Instagram a few days ago: "Living is not easy, but I will never say it is not worth it." But take it easy: I'm not saying that loving yourself is so easy, that just saying loudly and in a good tone "I love myself" and everything will change quickly. It doesn't work like that, it's an exercise that demands attention, self-care and self-respect.

The first thing you should consider is how you treat yourself, how you see yourself and what you admire about yourself. Focusing on what you don't like about yourself is a life delay that takes you away from building self-love. I speak of those people who are frustrated all the time wanting to change something when many times the best thing to be done is just to accept such particularities as part of their being.

Then it is important to question the susceptibility to the comments and feedback's of others. How influential are you? Is the other's comment about you an absolute truth, or do you know how to distinguish someone else's opinion from your own? Do you know how to disagree with her? Do you know how to absorb what is constructive and discard what does not serve you? It is important that you know how to answer these questions because self-love lives in the awareness that we have of ourselves as HUMAN beings.

Being aware of who we are, what we want and where we want to go is one of the ways to look after our future. The more committed we are to our sense of life, the easier it will be to see all the beauty within us.

Each of us is special and we have something to add to the world. The point of the matter is to start observing yourself more and deconstructing the distorted image that you created yourself. Ah, a very important thing, I will even put it in capital letters: KNOWING TO SAY NO AND KNOWING WHAT YOU DON'T WANT IS A FORM OF SELF-LOVE, if not the main one! This is for people, situations, experiences and relationships.

You are in control of everything. We are talking about your body, your emotions, your joys and ailments. If you don't take care of yourself, who will? There are days and days and there are also others and other days, you know? I will make a summary for you to help even more! See below 5 tips for you to exercise from now on and maintain high levels of self-love in your life.

5 tips to build self-love

1. Once a day stop everything you are doing and reflect on the best points of your day.
2. As you look in the mirror, look directly at what you like most physically about yourself.
3. Smile often throughout the day and make others smile.
4. Do not allow the external to undermine your self-esteem. See if anything that has been said can help you. Whatever doesn't fit, discard.
5. Be surrounded by good people, value the moments of your life and every day repeat: I am not perfect, I will never be, nobody is, but like me, there is no one else. If I am unique, I am special and special people love each other above anything. Respect your story!
Think about it, see you next time!

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