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Change starts from the inside out!

The Role of Inner Change to Promote Outward Transformation

What is the reason for your dissatisfaction? What are the points in your life that you feel you need to change? Reflecting on this is essential to start your process of inner change. After all, no matter how external situations seem, the way you deal with them has a great influence on how you feel. If your marriage is going through a crisis, for example, there is no point in blaming your spouse and staying idly by. It is essential that the transformation begins within you.

Let's compare life with a football game, when a coach changes his strategy, players are told to do the same, because to really play together and win they need to adapt and change the way they play. This is a metaphor that highlights the transformative power that each of us has and how much it is able to help us achieve great results. So, instead of regretting that circumstances and other people don't change, start and do your part. Focus your energies on what can change and see how far you will be able to go further.

One of the keys to success is to know yourself!
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Powerful Tips for Starting an Inner Change
If you are in doubt about how to start your previous move, you will enjoy checking out and putting into practice the tips I have prepared.

Get to Know and Identify the Points You Want to Change
If you are wondering where to start an inner change, know that the first step is to get to know yourself, so that you can identify the points that need to be improved and transformed. Start observing yourself, discover what makes you happy, what makes you sad and how you feel about the elements that are part of your life, such as work, family, finances, love relationships, friends and society in general.

Memories of past experiences are also of great value for an inner change process. It is a smart way to use the past as a learning tool and not to blame or punish yourself. Remember situations that were striking and the feelings they caused in you. Thus, you will be able to organize the pieces of your puzzle and begin to see yourself more clearly and start your internal process of self-transformation.

How to stimulate and maintain motivation in your team

First, keep in mind that the motivation must be constant, therefore, as actions must be continuous. It is not enough just to change the way of acting, it is necessary to change attitudes and way of thinking, both as a manager and as a team. Keeping an engaged team should be a daily goal!

Everyone is subject to a sea of ​​changes in life. Situations in professional and personal life that change and that lead us to the need to adapt, exercise, train, find an axis to keep flowing. And, many times, we see complications because we are simply used to another reality. So it seems that everything changes, except that feeling of what we have experienced so far, it seems that I have changed places, but my reality has not changed yet.

But what will have to change first? What's outside or what's inside?

I particularly believe that change starts from the inside out. The external can bring interesting questions to work on internally, but the process of self-knowledge, as the name says, comes from an honest conversation that we should always have with ourselves.

Are you talking to yourself?

Often, we blame our environment or the other for situations and experiences we are going through, without realizing that we are responsible for who we are and where we want to go.

Life is made of ups and downs, but a person who knows his limits and respects his own time sees life flowing much more naturally, as he is constantly changing and developing. Think about it!

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