Feeling alone is very delicate and does not depend on having people around you, because this condition is much more emotional than physical. An individual feels lonely when he does not feel emotionally attached to anyone, which gives him a feeling of helplessness and even lack of love. If you identified with that description, know that there are ways to overcome this feeling by building a powerful relationship with yourself and with other people.
Why is loneliness so painful?
Loneliness is a very hurt feeling, because it represents the absence of the feeling of belonging and of being loved, which are natural needs of the human being. It is really in our nature to lean on each other, even though we are autonomous individuals and capable of carrying out a series of activities alone. We need to have someone to count on to feel safe and welcomed.
When a person feels alone, there are many aspects to be analyzed, which involve both his feelings and emotions and his relationships with others. Sometimes, loneliness is even physical, for not having someone you love around, sometimes it is emotional, for not feeling connected to anyone, so it is essential to seek to know yourself to understand exactly that feeling and know how to deal with it for that manages to overcome it.
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5 Tips to deal with loneliness and overcome this feeling
Loneliness can be experienced by people of all ages and does not choose gender, color or social class. Furthermore, it is a very common feeling that affects millions of people worldwide. Here are five steps that can help you overcome this.
1 - Understand that loneliness is a feeling and not a fact
First of all, one must keep in mind that the fact that you are feeling alone does not necessarily mean that you are. If you are like this because you have broken a love relationship, for example, look around you, value other relationships. If loneliness is the result of the physical absence of the people you love, use technology to stay connected to them. Even if a video call is not able to replace a hug, it will help to make you feel better.
If you remain feeling alone without understanding exactly what that feeling means, the tendency is to become more and more intense. So think about it, remember all the amazing people who like you and wish you well. Expanding your vision in relation to what is really going on will clarify your ideas and give you the strength to overcome it.
2 - Pay attention to internet usage
Currently, a person who feels lonely has one of his first attitudes to use the internet and social networks to seek company, even if virtually. If the intention is to talk to loved ones who are far away and consume content that motivates and adds, great. However, care must be taken that the effect is not quite the opposite.
At the same time that they facilitate communication and generate connection between people, social networks are used by many as a showcase to expose a perfect life, which can do a lot of harm to those who are vulnerable. So, if you are going to use the internet as a tool to overcome loneliness, do it consciously, following only profiles that have something positive to offer you.
3 - Dedicate yourself to something that does you good
Do you have a hobby? Any activity that has nothing to do with your work and that you do for pure pleasure? If so, great, try to dedicate yourself to it, as it can do you a lot of good. If you don't already have it, open yourself to the possibilities, perhaps, learning some kind of manual work, painting pictures, growing plants, cooking, there are many possibilities.
In this case, the internet can be of great help, since it has a multitude of videos and tutorials, of different types of activities. Do some research and choose the options that interest you most, but do it without feeling incapable before even trying. Remember that the idea is to fill your time with positive activity, so there is no reason to demand perfection from you.
4 - Stay open to connect with people
Now, a measure that will help you end loneliness in the long run, connect with people. As much as it is a feeling and not a fact, it is necessary to open up to strengthen these bonds, because one thing is closely linked to the other. Having someone to count on will help you feel welcomed, loved, but, remembering, that this does not replace the love that must already exist for you by yourself, ok?
You know that coworker who always talks about coffee with you? Try paying more attention to it, listening, sharing something, even if they don't become best friends, it can do you good. In other day-to-day situations, let the fans put the headphones aside, talk to people, open up for them to get closer, very positive relationships can be born through this.
5 - Practice self-care measures
Finally, remember to take care of yourself, to treat yourself with the same affection that would direct a person who loves you very much. Within self-care are measures that encompass physical and emotional health, such as: practicing physical activities, eating well, paying attention to the quality of sleep, maintaining a balanced routine, having time to perform activities that you like, getting to know yourself, avoiding keeping hurts, in short, everything that contributes to lead a fully healthy life.
When it comes to overcoming feelings that generate pain, such as loneliness, you must also consider well-being, because everything is connected. A person who does not feel well physically and emotionally tends to feel more alone as well. So, take care considering your totality, this is essential for you to love, welcome and be happy.
I hope these five tips will help you deal with loneliness, but if you find that you are not getting it, seek expert help. Come on, this will pass!
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