Obstacles were meant to be overcome.
Life is made of great moments, but I usually say that everything has its price. The price of choosing, giving up, yes, no, among so many others.
This is not necessarily good, much less bad: it is what it is! It remains to be seen whether you are willing to pay the price for your choices or not. Everything makes more sense when we assume the risks, the glories and the consequences of our actions.
Everything that is emitted, reacts and impacts us in some way. There is no escaping that. Life will always be made of choices ...
Overcoming is also present in those moments when everything seems to be going wrong, as happened with the American Ida Keeling. When she started running at the age of 67 to overcome the deaths of two children, she did not imagine her future in sports. At the age of 100, she gathered her strength to beat a world running record. After completing the 100 meter race in 1’17 ”, this energetic lady won the world record in the 100+ category
Obstacles were meant to be overcome. You can't complain all the time that it's difficult, that you won't make it. There are times when you will need to act very quickly and very precisely. There are no guarantees that it will work, but you will never know if you don't try.
Throughout life we encounter obstacles in the middle of the road, and we often don't know where to start. How to be really prepared to overcome them? I will answer this question with a list below with 5 tips for you to overcome obstacles wisely and not to drop the shuttlecock.
5 tips to overcome obstacles wisely.
- Be present and aware of where you are.
- Be clear about the pros and cons of your decisions.
- Don't be afraid to take a risk, if it doesn't work out, learning will remain.
- Have constancy and purpose to overcome challenges.
- Don't get discouraged in the middle of a storm. Trust you and move on! Staying strong in your purpose is a way to solve the problem. When you doubt yourself, try to think: I am powerful and I will make it! Lift your head and focus on your goal!