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How to Control the Uncontrollable In Life


Trying to control the uncontrollable is a waste of energy

We are going through a complex moment with a global effect caused by a pandemic. I do not want to go into the merits related to public health management, nor fall into the area of ​​criticizing or praising the methods used so far. We are also aware of some of the side effects of this scenario, in addition to public health. Some questions for reflection: “How have you managed your finances or your business?”. “Have you been influenced by an external environment perceived by the market as disturbing?”.

We need to understand the existence of facts that happen outside our decision-making or management power, that is, we cannot control them (these are uncontrollable variables), and those that occur within our decision-making or management power (the controllable variables) . Trying to control what is not controllable takes energy and does not bring any positive results. It becomes a waste of energy. Just like trying to plant a tree that depends on a lot of rainwater in the middle of the desert, every effort will be in vain. As we are dealing with finance and business management, we are dealing with a limited resource management scenario, there are no resources, whether financial or not (human, time), in abundance. We must choose where to place the energy (resources), but that is controllable.

An example of an uncontrollable variable is the way the Federal Government will deal with the economy going forward. Do you have any power to decide on or directly interfere with any decision? The Government will decide, period. Rather, you must understand whether the government decision will have any effect on your life or your business and prepare for the impact of this. The preparation is controllable.

How is this preparation done?

1. Focus on the controllable variables and get to know them in detail:

Put effort into what you can and are able to change; Get to know these variables and the tools to manage them.

2. Understand the real effect of uncontrollable variables:

These can be a threat or an opportunity;
Understand the impacts, understand the scenarios, carry out simulations.

3. Don't get contaminated by third-party opinions:

Have your own opinion, make your decision and defend what is yours;
Managing is also about making choices and choosing the best path; As a manager, yes, you must seek information, but you must have a clear opinion about the facts and not outsource decisions.

4. Keep your motivation level high:

Regardless of the external environment, motivate yourself to action;
Don't expect uncontrollable variables to push you into action; Anticipate yourself.

In this way, regardless of the external environment, you will be able to manage yourself and your endeavors. Remember, governing (leading) means directing, administering, having authority over and this should not be outsourced.

Trying to control the uncontrollable is a waste of energy. And a waste of energy and in organizations is a waste of resources. Focus on what you can control, what matters and what will bring positive results.

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