The truth of living together before getting married!
It's natural when we've been dating for some time to feel the need to live together with that person, even without touching the subject of marriage . This is very common these days.
Living together can be a great way for a couple to find out if they are compatible, and in some ways it can be an indicator that they are different. These are things that we discover only through experience. Many couples marry and separate within a year.
But the main question is: am I prepared to live together with someone else? This can strengthen the relationship or lead to an unexpected disaster. After reading the pros and cons I share my experience on the subject.
Compatibility Test
When we date, we show each other the best version. We control our actions and instincts, we always want to please so that everything is at peace. But the day to day of being married is not like that, and living together allows this, that we really know who the other is. Only then do we know the habits and discover how much we tolerate.
financial relationship
Money is what most causes quarrels and separations between couples. Living together before getting married can be a good way to identify how the other handles this and how we can mature financially. Together we can have goals for buying a property, paying for the wedding party, and even thinking about long-term goals like a house on the beach.
The habit of talking and discussing about money is healthy, understanding how much we get and when we have to save is good for everyone.
Everyday challenges
Dating and meeting a few days a week is one thing, living together and socializing all the time is another. When we live with another person before getting married, we can assess whether as a couple we are at the same time in life, if we have the same goals. Dealing with the challenges of everyday life is a real marriage, and this experience is only felt when we live together with someone, if the couple overcomes these challenges together, the relationship will only grow.
Overcoming everything will build trust between you or you will find that you can't count on that person.
Putting yourself in someone else's shoes is not always easy. It may be that living together you realize that there will be times when you will need to give in or speak words of support. When we are alone we come home and lie down in our room to have a moment of peace, in married life you will come home, you will have things to do and your room will be the bedroom for the couple. Either you control your emotions and don't take out your stress on others, or you have to say something good so that everything is lighter.