You already know that Pilates is extremely beneficial for your health and your body. In fact, all exercises are capable of bringing health benefits, each in its own way.
The Pilates , created in the 1920s by the German Joseph Hubertus Pilates nurse is able to promote the connection between body and mind, and to provide the student exercises able to do it achieve the required results as needed. The exercises consist of extremely controlled movements, thus requiring important improvements not only in strengthening the musculature, but also in improving posture. The exercises can also vary in intensity, which makes Pilates very suitable for people who are sedentary or with limitations for high-impact exercise practices.
So what are the less obvious advantages of Pilates? Check out the 5 unusual benefits of Pilates below:
1- Has no impact.
With lighter exercises and controlled movement, Pilates ensures that there will be no impact on your workout. This is great news for those who have arthrosis or joint problems, in addition to being highly recommended for athletes in the recovery phase, or those who practice sports with a lot of demand in these parts of the body.
2- Improves breathing.
As the method greatly values the importance of breathing during exercise, it ends up promoting better control of the lungs and improvements in the capacity to absorb oxygen, which benefits even circulation and physical resistance.
3- Increases energy.
With breathing and stimulation of the blood circulation, Pilates ensures your body greater absorption of nutrients and greater capacity to provide all the oxygen demand. In addition, it also improves the quality of sleep and ensures greater production of endorphins, which also gives you more energy in your daily life.
4- It improves the lives of people with chronic illnesses.
A study published in the academic journal Musculoskeletal Care evaluated the practice of Pilates in 15 women and 7 men with chronic musculoskeletal conditions. According to study co-author Lynne Gaskell of the University of Salford, the Pilates-based exercise program was a facilitator to allow participants to function better and manage their condition more effectively and independently. The study also pointed to psychological and social benefits.
5- Benefits health during pregnancy (and postpartum)
Shifting the center of gravity, rotating the pelvis and increasing the lumbar curvature are some of the changes that occur in the body of pregnant women. Furthermore, the ligaments become more elastic. Pilates, by combining exercises that work the body and mind, can be a great ally in this period of so many transformations. There are exercises for spinal mobility and strengthening the stabilizing muscles, which are capable of reducing the discomfort that pregnancy brings, in addition to promoting improvements in breathing and concentration.