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This is for those who want to lose weight now! There is no secret and everyone already knows: to lose weight you need to consume fewer calories, have a smart diet, exercise and act in a way that makes your metabolism speed up.

But there are small actions that can make all the difference for your body! After all, it is not a single form of diet or a single type of training that will make you lose weight, but a combination of all of this in harmony with the type of body you have, as each one of us has genetic differences that change the characteristics and the ease of losing weight of each one.

Check out the actions you can take to lose weight now:

Change habits instead of going on crazy or temporary diets

1- Stop “dieting”: have a food plan and maintain a diet consistent with your lifestyle, with proper nutritionist guidelines! What you need to stop doing is thinking that doing the famous "end date" "diets" will help you in the long run!

Invest in ways to sleep well at night

2- Sleep well: 

having a good night's sleep lasting 6 to 8 hours is essential for the metabolism to work correctly. People with poor quality sleep start to have an unregulated production of hormones such as cortisol, and this encourages the production of adipose tissue. Sleeping well is a key point for anyone who wants to lose weight now!

You need to engage in daily physical activities, not just those three times a week!

 3- Exercising every day: 

moving your body daily is very important to slim down more and much more efficiently than practicing heavy training in a few days, alternating with days without activity. If you can't do specific exercises, simple activities like walking the dog or riding a bike are great options.

eating habits to change

Healthy snacks are ways to lose weight – when in doubt, consult your nutritionist!

4- Do not go for many hours without eating: 

when you go without food for a long time, the body slows down its metabolism and starts to spend fewer calories at rest. That's why snacks between meals are important. If you choose any type of diet that provides for long moments without food, do it with the approval of a qualified doctor or nutritionist.

Fruits, vegetables and cereals: sources of fiber are essential!

5- Include more fiber:

 a lot of 4- Do not go for many hours without eating:people still don't know the importance of having a fiber-rich diet. Vegetables, salads, wholegrain pastas and cereals such as flaxseed and oats are important sources of fiber that, according to nutritionologist Tamara Mazaracki, improve intestinal function, reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and fats, and increase the feeling of satiety.

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