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Activate Your Mind to achieve goals


Today we are more and more concerned with getting results fast, being effective, productive, and getting things done as quickly as possible. It's that, by seeing them manifest, by seeing them ready, we activate the pleasure hormones and we can effectively escape pain – the ego's goal. 

It turns out that by doing things very fast, with very tight deadlines, in an attempt to have very fast and effective results, we get tired very easily. 



It's just a matter of watching an entire society run, run, run, and few people actually do their jobs well, with pleasure, with high energy. Few achieve the goals they set themselves. And the main reason for this to happen is the fact that we do things without our vibration, we just do it with our mind, with our head. We think what we are going to do, we define strategies, processes. We don't feel. And what is done with the mind is sterile, done in effort, it has no energy. And the more people feel that what they are doing lacks energy, the more they activate the mind and the more they force themselves, demand themselves.

Require yourself to be out of your original energy. 

Of course, no one can stay out of the original energy for long. The body can't take it. And gets sick. 


One of the things Jesus says the most is: 

– Cabrita, it doesn't matter the speed, it matters the rhythm. However small the thing you do , however small the daily advance, if the pace is always maintained, one day you will be able to finish. So the most important thing you have to do is keep a rhythm that is realistic, that has to do with your energy, and that you know you wo n't fail, or that you know you wo n't slow down, that you wo n't tire . You 'll never get tired of doing something if it has to do with you, if it has your vibratory frequency. And on a certain day to may be tired, but the rest will not be difficult to reset to their original energy because it is there, it did not leave. And so, day after day after day after day, week after week, will making a little forward. One day he wakes up, and he got there. 

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