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Learn to develop emotional balance

Emotional Balance

Everything we feel and witness can affect us in a positive or negative way. In order to have a healthier and more productive life, we need to develop emotional balance, as he will be responsible for properly processing each sensation.

With so many feelings of stress, anxiety and sadness that we can feel in different situations, being in harmony with all of them does not seem an easy task. Therefore, today you will learn to develop emotional balance so that you can improve the quality of life and well-being.

What is emotional balance?
But, after all, what is emotional balance? This ability consists in having the ability to dominate thoughts and actions amid emotional influences, having total control of the mind, managing and managing these emotions in a rational and harmonized way.

In this way, emotional balance is responsible for maintaining your mental health even in difficult and painful moments, allowing you to act rationally and preventing mental and psychological stress.

Benefits of developing emotional balance
According to data from the latest survey released in 2019 by Isma-BR, the local representative of the International Stress Management Association, psychological disorders occupy the second place in causes of absence from work.

So it is extremely important to keep your emotions in harmony. The development of emotional balance will help you to work on your self-knowledge process, in addition to reducing bouts of stress, anxiety, and preventing psychosomatic illnesses.

Develop emotional balance
In order for you to have total control of your feelings, we have separated some tips on how to maintain emotional balance. Check out our recommendations to develop this skill below.

Stop and reflect before you act
During some moment of extreme imbalance, we need to stop and reflect on how we are feeling and how we should react. So it is necessary that you stop, relax for a few minutes, breathe slowly, calm your body and thoughts.

During this process, analyze what is causing you imbalance and try to remain calm so that you can act in the healthiest way possible. This will allow you not to be overwhelmed by the heat of emotion and to take impulsive actions. Meditation and relaxation techniques will help you in this situation.

Exercise the power of gratitude
Applying gratitude in your routine will allow you to renew your energies and make a constant learning for emotional self-knowledge. When you start to be grateful to people and the universe for everything, you end up eliminating negative energies that can directly attack your emotional balance.

To put this exercise into practice, during the beginning and end of the day, produce a list of good and positive things in your life that have happened to you. This will provide you with great learning.

Allow yourself to feel the emotions
Understand that controlling your emotions does not mean repressing them. Therefore, allow yourself to feel, understand and express what you feel. You can release your feelings, but make decisions rationally, not on impulse. When we release what we feel, we can analyze the origin of that sensation and we are able to take control of the actions.

Be positive
Positive thinking is powerful in transforming your views about the world and about yourself, in addition to bringing relief, comfort and boosting the achievement of your goals. So stay positive, avoiding toxic people and thoughts. To do this, distance yourself from negative places or beings. Try to see the good side of each moment, cultivating habits and happy moments.

Look for assertive solutions
There are certain situations in which the solution is in front of us, but we have not been able to apply it. So take action in a rational way, seeing other ways to overcome the problem.

If you're having trouble getting a clear picture of the situation, talk to a friend. At certain times, it is important to listen to other points of view to open our minds to new possibilities for resolution.

Seek self-knowledge
In order to achieve emotional balance, it is very important that you know more about yourself. Knowing yourself better, it will be possible to control emotions, strengthen self-confidence and sentimental defenses. 

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